Thursday, May 04, 2006

First time at the beach.. Santa Cruz

Jonathan and Jackson's first time at the beach. Jackson lasted, oh about 3 minutes then screamed his head off for about 15 minutes until I held him up to the window to look outside. Cody & Jonathan went onto the wharf and found a sea lion. Jackson and I joined them soon after, wishing I had stayed in the car. I promise that pier was 2 miles long!!

Driving in our caddy!!

Day at Little Gym

Today I took the boys to Gymboree and to the Little Gym. Jonathan had a blast and jackson of course slept thru everything.

Jacksom has been working on smiling lately. He ia 7 weeks now so he is right on target. Of course Jonathan makes him smile the most. Jackson also likes tummy time. He kicks away and holds his head up.

Landscape shots

Just for Cody!

Hanging at the park

As you can see baby Jackson doesn't like the cold. This was the shortest visit to the park ever. we got there and the temp was 70 and by the time we walked to the park it was around 55....we left soon. 55 in Austin is winter!!

Keeping fit

Playing a little bball, tennis and chasing ducks until we were attacked by bugs and had to jump into the hot tub.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

My sleeping babies

My cutie babies! After a day of shopping and playing at a very cool park, they both crashed pretty hard for about 3 hours.

We played basketball and tennis tonight. And found a river with tons of ducks with 12 little babies. They were so cute. Jonathan would chase them and scream, "Come here Momma duck.!" On the way back to the room, Jonathan and Cody found a hottub and decided to jump was funny.

Day 1 Cali Baby!!

Our first day in California was spent mostly on an airplane. It wasn't to bad. Jonathan maybe one melt down where he only wanted to sit on the floor. He laughed when he saw the size of the bathroom and loved looking ouside and getting juice!

We decided to document the trip on our blog spot and save the file for the kids later to see when they get bigger.

Oh yeah and we can't forget the free car upgrade to a CADDY!!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


I can't even believe it's been a week already, but as of 3:25 on Wednesday our little Jackson will be a week old already!

Here's some pics:)

Wednesday, November 02, 2005


... Like we ever doubted it!

The annual VLC Trunk-or-Treat "best dressed trunk" title belongs to the Claytons! While there was some "questionably" fierce competition from others, our "Smokin Endzone and Super Geek" design won out!

Who is that Super Duper Cool guy with the taped glasses and retro-pocket protector? Man... I wish I could be as cool as him!

I bet he get's all the chicks! LUCKY!!!

Here's a few other pics of all the FUN!

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Introducing R2B2

Well Well Well.. What do we have here?

Looks like we are going to have another addition to our growing family! Introducing.... R2B2 (Pronounced "Are Two Be Two", figured that would help).

How did we come up with "R2B2" you might ask?

We were watching Star Wars one night when Jonathan started yelling out R2! R2! R2! ...and B2 = "Baby 2" - so there you go!

R2's second photo opp is coming up this Monday ( Oct, 31st ) , so we'll post those new pics sometime shortly after.

- Cody, Jessie, Jonathan and R2B2

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

And They're Out!

Little Jbox got his second set of stitches out today. I wasn't able to go to the doctor with him ( I do have to work and stuff ), but Jessie said he did just great... didn' t cry or anything.

We might post some updated pics soon.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Guess what we were doing at 2:00 AM this morning?

Sleeping? ... yeah right!

Working? .. uhm... NO!


What.. You give up?


We were at the Hospital yet again! Jonathan was running around the front-room, playing football, when he tripped an hit his head on a bowl of popcorn. Well, 4 stitches and a few hours later we were home again.

He's got to wear a band-aid on his forehead with Neosporin for a week to keep the scarring down.

A friend of mine said he was trying to make his own "FrankenStein" costume with all those stitches. At least he made it almost two years without his first ouchies.